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Model Trains



Some of the activities and resources I provide are:

  • Baby and toddler toys

  • Imaginary and role-play: dressing-up, play kitchen and food, shop, etc.

  • Small world: dolls, cars, animals etc.

  • Jigsaw puzzles and games

  • Music and movement: musical instruments, music CD’s etc.

  • Books, videos and DVD’s ( I limit screen-time)

  • Creative play: playdough, painting, colouring, cutting and sticking, sensory experiences through foam etc.

  • Cooking: simple biscuits and cakes, preparing lunch etc.

  • Outdoor play: ride-on toys, tents and tunnel, playhouse, balls, slide, water/sand table

  • Older children have access to the computer if necessary, although I limit the time spent on it, encouraging them to use the other resources available instead. I also occasionally use the computer with younger children. However, I prefer to let such screen time take place at home so that you, the parents, have the control as to the apps etc. your child uses and length of time children use such devices.

  • We use the Alexa devices to listen to music, play games such as Guess The Animal noise, and to ask questions (even though she often doesn't know the answers!)

  • I use a lot of loose parts (pine cones; shells; wooden items such as pegs, blocks and discs; cardboard tubes and boxes; fabrics; shiny and metallic items etc.) to allow children to follow their sense of curiosity and exploration, and encourage them to use their imaginations. However, the children can still access cars, animals, dolls etc.


I try to introduce a weekly theme, such as Minibeasts, Dinosaurs, Valentine’s Day etc, to direct the activities on offer. However, I will always be led by the children’s current interests and preferences.


We also go on regular outings to local parks, such as Cherry Lane Park off Rushmere Road, local shops, as well as  attending Tiddlywinks toddler group at St. John's Church on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and The Salvation Army Toddler group on Woodbridge Road on a Wednesday morning.

​A Typical Day


The following is an example of how a typical day may run. However, this will all depend on the weather, on each child's individual requirements and interests etc. Also, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings we may attend one of the local toddler groups from 09:30 - 11:30.


07:30 – 08:30

Children arrive


07:50 – 08:10

Wash hands and Breakfast (for those children arriving before 08:00)


08:40 – 09:10

School/Pre-school Drop-Off


09:10 – 10:30

Free play. In good weather we usually stay outside for most of the day


10:30 – 10:45

Wash hands and Snack


10:45 - 11:00

Story and/or Rhyme Time                                                                                  OR  09:30 - 11:30    Attend toddler group


11:00 – 12:00

Planned Activity, Art & Craft, Cooking etc.


12:00 – 13:00



13:00 – 13:30

Quiet Play, puzzles, drawing etc. usually  in the conservatory, to encourage the children to sit down after eating. If indoors I may allow the children to watch TV for a limited time.


13:30 – 14:50

Outside play and activities


14:50 – 15:30

Pre-school / School Collection


15:30 – 16:15

Wash hands and Snack or Tea, depending on individual requirements. Again , if the weather permits the children will remain outside or in the conservatory.


16:15 – 17:30

Free play, homework, outside play. If indoors I may allow the children to watch TV for a limited time.



My setting is registered as a Food Business Establishment. As such I follow The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 and I hold a valid Level 2 Award in Food Safety. The following is an example of what I might provide for your child at an additional cost. 


Breakfast (£2.00) (Only available to children arriving before 07:55)

Cereals (Weetabix, Cheerios etc)

OR toast with various toppings


Piece of fruit


Cooked Lunch  (£4.00)

Shepherds Pie & vegetables

OR Chicken, Potato & vegetables/beans

OR Sausages, Mashed Potatoes and peas/beans

OR Fish fingers, Potato and peas/pasta shapes

OR Pasta dish

OR Omelette & Vegetables

OR Lasagne with salad or potatoes

OR Sausage or Chicken or Beef Casserole


Fromage frais

OR Ice Cream


Piece of fruit


Lunch or Light Tea (£3.00)

If you wish for your child to have tea at the setting they will receive:


Bigger snack portion (see below)

OR additional sandwich or wrap with filling (ham, cheese, marmite, jam, tuna etc.)

OR Soup and a roll

OR Scrambled egg on toast

OR Spaghetti on toast

PLUS Crisps, such as Skips, Wotsits or Hula Hoops (unless you specify otherwise)

PLUS small cake (unless you specify otherwise) OR Yoghurt/Fromage frais OR Jelly


Piece of fruit


Snacks (included in fee)

Fruit / crackers / malt loaf / popcorn / brioche / Bagels / Waffles / Scotch Pancakes


Please note: A snack will be given in the morning  between 10:00 and 10:30, and in the afternoon between 16:00 and 16:30. Those children having tea at the setting will be given it at the same time as those having snack.


Mains tap water is freely available throughout the day.


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